Saturday, January 12, 2013


" If u dont have it, draw it and have it~ " - uknowminakwon


Are you, ...

Attention-seeking girl?
Love sticking around guy?
Copy others?
Doesn't care about bf/gf feelings?
Thinking that your bf/gf should meet the same criteria as your friend's bf/gf?
Sneaking out with guy/girl?
Cheating behind your bf/gf?
Asking for allowance from bf/gf?
Taking advantage of everything?

Good girls are hard to find, faithful girls are even harder to find.
Good guys are hard to find, faithful guys are even harder to find.

Above mention;Seen too much and hear too much. Different type of girl/guy would think differently. Does true love really come with money first or commitment? I think if we are talking about money, there's a Chinese saying " Talk about money hurt one's feeling ". True love, doesn't involve money, one's take the initiative. I think when it comes to love for me, it's feeling. Wealthy or not doesn't really matter as i am not in love with your money. Well if partner is not wealthy, then we should fight through it together, solve every crisis together, if not what are the marriage vows for?